Monday, August 17, 2009

why #weloveNHS

Anyone who reads this Blog will find more articles including the Stars & Stripes than the Union Jack.
We Brits don't tend to shout about our own country much and those residing in other countries may misunderstand this and think we're not very patriotic or enthusiastic about our own country and it's achievements.

The speed with which the #weloveNHS campaign has been adopted on Twitter demonstrates just how much we do care. To hear our beloved National Institution described as "Evil" by some Moose shooting Loon ignited the campaign immediately. People from all spectrum's of society started sporting the #weloveNHS Twibbon and posted support for the NHS.
The NHS represents all that is "Great" about Britain - our sense of justice and fairplay, our care for our poor and elderly, our determination and sense of community. The underlying principle that healthcare should be free of charge at the point of use.
Yes the system has its faults, which system doesn't, but the strength of support for the NHS reminds us of all that is good about the UK.

That's why we love the NHS.

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