Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Project Managers are right Mytherers #pmot

There is a word which is used in this part of the world (Manchester, Lancashire) which I've not heard anywhere else. It's myther i.e to myther (to pester, to irritate, to annoy)
Someone who is irritated is said to be mythered and the irritant is described as a "right mytherer"

To be effective as a Project Manager you need to be a "right mytherer" you need to myther the team to get things done on time, you need to myther your suppliers and subcontractors to deliver on time, you need to myther your customer to close out the product spec, you also need to myther your boss for additional resource. You will probably need to myther other departments for their input and you will definitely need to myther your IT department from time to time.

That's why good Project Managers are "right mytherers", at least in this part of the world.


Lindsay Scott said...

Hi Chris
Thanks for your DM on Twitter the other day, didn't realise you were based in Manchester too. Love the word myther! And agree that PM's are good mythers, it just gives me a mental picture of "her in doors" with wrinkled stockings a la Nora Batty. Maybe that's a good blog title "Project Managers are just like Nora Batty... Discuss"



Unknown said...

Hi Chris, sorry to spoil the fun but i have it from reliable sources that the origins are from my native Yorkshire!!

Yes, it does mean to annoy etc and I was say it is a core competency of every project manager. I must admit to being a mytherer at times...according to feedback some time ago!!

Ron Rosenhead