Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grand National Economy

Today at 4.15 BST at Aintree racecourse in the North West of England forty horses set off in one of the greatest sporting spectacles on earth. Millions will watch world wide hoping and preying that their horse will cross the line first and their investment will be rewarded.

This race is (in)famous for the number of fallers which occur throughout the race and it is not uncommon for two thirds of the starters not to finish. It is ferociously competitive and the jockeys are fearless as they soar over the huge fences without knowing what lies on the other side.

The roar of the crowd propels the riders on until the field is strung out and the final few battle it out up the final rise towards the finish line.

Its all a bit like the economy with competing firms thrashing it out over the ever undulating financial landscape. Many of the jockeys of these steeds appear to be blind as they leap into the unknown and many will fall over the course of events but some will prevail to bring home the bacon for their investors.

In hindsight how many will prevail because of good planning, excellent management, customer focus and quality product and how many through pure good fortune.

Whatever race your in - Good Luck !!

1 comment:

LROBO-99 said...

Loving the blog Mr Robinson