Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Outsourcing saves jobs

It is often assumed that outsourcing costs jobs. Whilst it is often the case that outsourcing key activities may get rid of some jobs it often creates others and remains cheaper overall.

Many companies are struggling to maintain profitability in the current economic climate and face possible extinction. These are usually manufacturing entities which make everything in house. However there are many companies which continue to thrive having outsourced the bulk of manufacture to cheaper third parties whilst retaining their support functions and, most importantly their Research and Development in house. With engineering resource freed up to focus on product development and bringing to market high value, high margin cutting edge products, whilst the "cash cow" of production is outsourced to a competent subcontractor, the company becomes more profitable, innovative and efficient.
Amberhill Associates can help you establish this model.
For more information email us at

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