Thursday, November 6, 2008

People hate change - right ???

People hate change - right ???

Wrong !!!

People “enjoy a change”, go on holiday “for as change”, stay at home “for a change”
Go out for a beer “cos it makes a change”

People love change.

What they hate is:-

Change imposed upon them.

Change over which they have no choice

Change over which they have no control.

If you want to make changes within your organization there are key rules you should follow if you want that change to be effective & embedded.

1) Communicate the change.

Explain what needs to be changed, why it needs to be changed, who is going to be affected and who isn’t.

2) Manage the change.

Set up a steering committee to manage the change process, select team members from across the organisation, from all areas affected & from different levels within the organization.

3) Prepare for change.

Set out a clear timetable stating what’s changing and when it’s happening and communicate this to the whole organiszation.

Stress the positives and benefits but also listen to peoples concerns and acknowledge
that not everyone will benefit.

4) Make the Change.

Ensure that the previously communicated schedule is adhered to and that all aspects of the planned change are completed. Actively involve those whom the change affects.

5) Institutionalize the Change.

Old habits die hard, make sure that systems and procedures are modified to reinforce and institutionalize the change so that old ingrained habits can not be followed.

6) Review the change.

After a suitable period (typically 3 months) review the changes and the lessons learned. Any modifications should be introduced in the next change program.

Embrace Change - Life would be very dull without it !

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